Sage Bush Winery pairs up for a pair of second place finishes at 2014 Barbeque King

Sage Bush Winery manager Nav Lasser was pleased to see his winery take second place at the 2014 Similkameen Barbeque King.

Nav Lasser  with his winery's nine different offerings. The three year old winery took second place paired with the Grist Mill's offerings at the recently held SImilkameen Barbeque King.

Nav Lasser with his winery's nine different offerings. The three year old winery took second place paired with the Grist Mill's offerings at the recently held SImilkameen Barbeque King.

Sage Bush  Winery manager Nav Lasser was pleased to see his winery take second place at the 2014 Similkameen Barbeque King.

Lasser’s 2009 Pinot Noir was paired with the Grist Mill’s stuffed pork loin with cherry barbequed pulled pork and zucchini scone with carrot butter for the July 12 event.

This is the second year in a row that Sage Bush finished in the top two.

“It took some serious planning to win again,” Lasser said, noting the winery has only been in business for three years.

Sage Bush wines are available at Jerry’s Fruit Stand, and are also featured on the wine lists of the Benja Thai Restaurant and Branding Iron Bar and Grill.


“We’ve been busy this year, with many tourists stopping to buy a bottle or two of wine,” Lasser said. The winery features nine different varieties of wine, three whites, three rosés, and three reds. Their 2012 Pinot Noir currently retails for $16.



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