Tanya Gordon, with the Canadian Cancer Society, presents the Community Champion Award to Michael Sherwood, with Silver Star Mountain Resort.

Tanya Gordon, with the Canadian Cancer Society, presents the Community Champion Award to Michael Sherwood, with Silver Star Mountain Resort.

Silver Star earns top recognition

Many individuals, groups and organizations contribute to the success of the Canadian Cancer Society


Special To The Morning Star

Many individuals, groups and organizations contribute to the success of the Canadian Cancer Society in our mission to eradicate cancer and enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer.

One of the ways that we can show our appreciation for their outstanding achievements and accomplishments is through recognizing their significant contributions and celebrating successes.

The division Community Champion Award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by companies and community partners making a significant impact on the strategic goals of the Canadian Cancer Society.

Silver Star Mountain Resort has demonstrated a strong commitment to the society over the past five years.

Both the management and the employees have been instrumental in the success of the Relay For Life event in Vernon. Silver Star has demonstrated commitment through financial support, participating in the event and increasing the community awareness of the event.

Silver Star makes a significant impact on the society’s strategic goals in revenue development annually.

The organization is an event sponsor for the Vernon event on an annual basis.

In addition, Silver Star has a team in the relay that is one of the top fundraising teams each year.

The management and employees of Silver Star are always eager to lend a helping hand on the day of the event.  In addition, they are always there to pitch in if the committee needs them to bring any additional items to the event that are beyond their generous sponsorship package.

Sarb Tatla-Low is the co-ordinator of Community Giving for the Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division


Vernon Morning Star