Six SNA awards for The News

The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News collected six awards in the Suburban Newspapers of America 2010 editorial contest.

The News placed first in its circulation class (16,000-36,000 non-daily) for editorial writing and best editorial page cartoon.

The News also came second for best editorial page and best news photo, as well as third for best front page and best coverage of local education.

The News has also been nominated for a handful of other awards.

Reporter Robert Mangelsdorf is a finalist for best historical writing for both the the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and B.C. and Yukon Community Newspaper Association editorial awards for his story on the 125th anniversary of the Whonnock post office.

Photographer Colleen Flanagan has been nominated for two BCYCNA awards: best spot news photo and best black and white feature photo (over 25,000 circulation).

James Mclennan, a freelance photographer, has also been nominated for a photo he took while working for The News: best portrait or personality photo.

The BCYCNA award winners will be announced April 30.

The CCNA winners will be announced April 29.

Last fall, The News placed second in the 2010 SNA general excellence contest.

The News came third in the SNA general excellence competition in 2009 and 2008.

SNA is a non-profit, professional trade association specifically serving the suburban and community newspaper industry in the U.S. and Canada. It has more than 2,000 members.

Maple Ridge News