Social services offered in 100 Mile House

Resources for families and individuals at risk are offered in several programs provided by Axis Family Resources Ltd

Resources for families and individuals at risk in the South Cariboo are offered in several community-based social service programs provided by Axis Family Resources Ltd.

Rick and Maureen Gibson began the two-person business 20 years ago in Williams Lake, where its head office remains today. It has since blossomed into a company with 360 employees across the British Columbia Interior.

Donna White works in the Caregiver Support Program for Axis Family Resources in 100 Mile House, and says there are various other programs offered locally.

“Being a newcomer to the Cariboo myself, I see Axis as offering similar programs to what the services on the Lower Mainland would do. We address the needs of people who are considered more vulnerable.”

Whether those challenges are mental, physical, emotional or related to care giving, White notes many families are at risk somehow and in need of support.

These include youth support, social workers, addiction services, parent and foster parent support and a supportive living program for assisting people with life skills.

Linda Lindberg has worked with Axis locally for more than six years, and currently works in the Children Who Witness Abuse Program.

She says another Axis outreach program helps with women living in abusive relationships under the provincial Stopping the Violence program.

The Ministry of Children and Family Development refers many of its clients, Lindberg explains.

A $4,800 funding influx for her related Violence is Preventable (VIP) program was recently announced from the Civil Forfeiture Grants.

This money will facilitate Lindberg to approach schools for permission to talk to the students about domestic violence in a format varied according to student needs and ages, she explains.

“I think 100 Mile is very fortunate in having Axis here because I remember, years ago, really fighting to get some of these programs here, my program included.

“We’ve got good strong connections with the community and it’s nice people aren’t having to travel outside 100 Mile now to access some of these services.”


100 Mile House Free Press