Christianne Zurowski is offering free sessions to people in the South Surrey and White Rock area. (Contributed photo)

South Surrey life coach offers free sessions to counter ‘pandemic panic’

Christianne Zurowski offering free 45-minute sessions for the month of March

A South Surrey life coach is offering a free session to adults who are feeling the “pandemic panic.”

Next Chapter Coach owner Christianne Zurowski contacted Peace Arch News to raise awareness about a program she’s offering to help “jump-start” people who are in a rut.

Zurowski, who was a teacher for 17 years before transitioning to the role of life coach, said the pandemic has thrown career goals and clearly marked paths up in the air for many young people.

“The looming uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring, job industries that have become heavily affected and deep personal reflection spurring natural career shifts has created pandemic-panic in young adults,” she said in an email to PAN.

While she operates her services to people of all ages, she puts an emphasis on young adults in the 18- to 25-year-old range.

“They’re just so lost and need someone to believe in them,” Zurowski said. “If you can spark them young, then they have the rest of their lives to make good happen.”

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She referred to herself as a “transition coach,” specializing in assisting people that are turning the page on the next chapter of their life.

“It could be you want to leave a career, or retiring from a career, want to change jobs, coming out of school and you just don’t know what the heck you’re going to do next. You’re lost.”

What she offers isn’t so much career advice, but rather information about how to be grounded and find a sense of direction. Her coaching also offers mindfulness training and information on mind-body exercises.

“A lot of it is about being grounded,” she said. “What lights you up? What’s your direction? What are you good at? How can you use that skill?”

People can register for the free 45 minute coaching session at or for more information, visit The free sessions are being offered through March.

“It’s just to get people sparked. I call it a jump-start, get some ideas happening. Get out of that first rut.”

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