Natalie Anderson of Dog N Suds Restaurant. (Angie Mindus photo)

Natalie Anderson of Dog N Suds Restaurant. (Angie Mindus photo)

Spotlight on business 2020: Dog N’ Suds Restaurant

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Building close friendships with her longtime staff and customers is what Natalie Anderson enjoys most about Dog N Suds Restaurant. Natalie has owned the retro-modern diner located along Highway 97 in Williams Lake for the past 24 years and employs a staff of seven, who she greatly attributes to the ongoing success of her business.

“I don’t get here by myself. It’s a team effort.”

Dog N Suds Restaurant is opened 7 days a week from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. The breakfast, lunch and early dinner menu offers everything from eggs and bacon or a pancake breakfast to the classic burger and fries or fish and chips lunch.

Natalie enjoys cooking but admits she takes a hands-on approach serving customers out front which allows her to make sure things are running smoothly, customers and staff are happy and, of course, that she gets a chance to visit with everyone.

“My social life is here.”

Natalie credits her husband Wayne Ball with the retro diner renovations 9 years ago and invites customers new and returning to come by and enjoy the ambiance at Dog N Suds Restaurant, which has been a part of the lakecity since 1967.

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