Community Futures is offering support to small businesses across the province that have been affected by this year’s wildfires.

Support available for small businesses impacted by the 2021 wildfires

Community Futures BC launches website, toll-free number for business-related wildfire support

Community Futures British Columbia is stepping up to help the hundreds of small businesses across dozens of the province’s rural communities that are experiencing the devastating impacts of this season’s wildfires after having already suffered under the weight of a global pandemic.

Since the wildfire season began burning on April 1, more than 656,445 hectares of have burned to ash, displacing thousands of people, and forcing many businesses to curtail their operations, or close their doors for good.

So with the small business stability and continuity on the line due to the risk of wildfire, Community Futures BC has launched a dedicated Community Futures Wildfire Business Support website and toll-free number (1-800-670-9058) to assist businesses with quick and easy access to information, resources, and support.

The Community Futures Wildfire Business Support website provides a list of links to a variety of resources and supports available to assist with disaster recovery and mitigation, as well as the latest information on wildfire activity in British Columbia.

Following the 2017 wildfire season, which is one of the worst on record, Community Futures developed a Business Continuity Workbook, and an Agriculture Emergency Preparedness Workbook to help businesses come up with a plan ahead of time. To be proactive instead of reactive.

Community Futures is also providing a free, online workshop outlining the steps businesses can take to prepare for and recover more quickly from disasters called Disaster Readiness 101.

Disaster Readiness 101 covers the seven things your business can do immediately to avoid being caught off guard by an unexpected disaster. Developed by Colin O’Leary, an expert in economic recovery and business planning, the workshop focuses on a number of key lessons learned following the 2017 wildfires.

The following is a schedule of upcoming online workshops:

Date: Friday, August 20, 2021

Time: 12 – 1 p.m.

Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Time: 12 – 1 p.m.

For more information or to register, call toll free, 1-800-670-9058, or visit the Community Futures Wildfire Business Support website. For a list of Community Futures offices in BC, visit

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