Sustainability plan being developed for Kilby

Master plan will include public research and feedback

Kilby Historic Site is a local, historic treasure. And to keep the site healthy into the future, the operators are beginning theprocess of preparing a site business plan and feasibility study with the Quincy Group Company.

The Quincy Group Company has been retained by the Kilby’s operating group, the Fraser Heritage Society, to develop a strategic plan that will develop a business model. That new model will emphasize sustainability and authenticity of the Kilby property.

Funding for this program is coming from the BC Heritage Branch, who are also contributing to other provincial heritage sites around B.C.

The group manager, Ken Smith, has had experience managing and implementing over 25 tourism master plans throughout the province of British Columbia, including Wells – Barkerville, O’Keefe Ranch and the Britannica Beach Mining Museum.

Starting mid-July the group will be conducting community research and focus groups.

This research will involve stakeholders, community associations, First Nations organizations and local government operations. The Quincy Group is set to present their findings to the board by mid-October.

“This is a very exciting time for Kilby Historic Site as we explore the possibilities for the site,” said Jasmine Wouda. “Please note the museum, farm and campground will continue to be open regular hours through out the summer. We look forward to having community input over the next few months.”

If you would like more information about the feasibility study or other aspects of the site please call 604-796-9576 to speak with Jo-Anne Leon.

“We look forward to this opportunity to take positive steps toward the future and to preserve this unique piece of rural history for generations to come.”


Agassiz Observer