Take a look at the home of the future

Telus brings its technology display to Mission

The Telus Future Home has arrived in Mission.

The 585-square-foot Future Home display, is designed to demonstrate innovative concept technology.

The public has the opportunity to get a sneak preview into what a home of the future could look like.

The display is open now and runs until June 3 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily at the Junction Shopping Centre Parking Lot (32555 London Ave.) by the Cineplex.

Features inside the display include several futuristic concepts including biometric security systems to allow people to lock and unlock homes using facial recognition; a smart EcoHub to make homes greener by monitoring eco-friendly devices; an intelligent kitchen to make it easier to prepare healthy food with a meal-planning fridge and a smart stove and more.

The arrival of the Future Home follows TELUS’ announcement that it is investing $26 million to connect local homes and businesses in Mission to the TELUS PureFibre™ network.

Visitors to the Future Home can enter to win a prize pack courtesy of Samsung.

Telus is also giving back to the community. Every household that registers for Telus PureFibre will get an email asking them to pick a charity of choice.

“The Mission Hospice Society is one of the charities of choice and $25 from each household that registers will go to the Mission Hospice Society, up to $10,000,” said Angel Elias, executive director of the Mission Hospice.

Mission City Record