The Time is Now

We focus again this week upon the unique opportunity that is presenting itself to forward-thinking individuals. The Great Recession has sent ripples through the global economy, and the insurance business was not spared. Their costs are going up, meaning the price of their products are going up. We know this in advance – this is why the time is now.

The Time is Now

We focus again this week upon the unique opportunity that is presenting itself to forward-thinking individuals. The Great Recession has sent ripples through the global economy, and the insurance business was not spared. Their costs are going up, meaning the price of their products are going up. We know this in advance – this is why the time is now.

Wealth management has many definitions. We here at CMK Wealth Management believe it is made up of many parts – all working together. Investments ensure your money is put to work. Retirement planning allows you to live out your golden years comfortably, then to transfer your wealth to future generations, and/or worthy causes. Insurance protects you, your family and your plans from unexpected events.

Wealth Management also means to get competent information, and to act upon what you learn. This is where your definition of financial planning and CMK’s vision of wealth management dovetail very nicely.

As independent insurance brokers, we are not beholden to any company in the industry. We take everyone’s individual case to market, and thereby we try hard to get the best combination of price and product in each specific situation.

As we alluded to, the insurance industry is going through a milestone event. Due to many factors (including interest rate decreases, and investment returns declining, among others) we are in the middle of an across-the-board increase in the price of level-cost life insurance.

Level-cost life insurance is just that – life insurance coverage that will never increase in price. It is an ideal solution for protecting family earlier in life. As we age, it affords us the flexibility to confidently address any estate issues, like smoothing over tax obligations when passing wealth on to future generations. And lastly it provides a solid foundation for establishing one’s legacy in the community.

If you have term insurance currently, you may have the opportunity – depending upon the company your policy is with – to ‘convert’ your term coverage into level-cost. This can be done in some cases without having to undergo medical testing, which is especially attractive if some health issues may have developed since the policy was first issued.

At CMK we encourage everyone to live in the moment … and to plan for the future. This is a tremendous opportunity to plan for the future! If your local grocer told you that the price of food was going to increase 30% in a month’s time, what would you do?

The time is now.

Invermere Valley Echo