Thriving Langley City's profile updated

Thriving Langley City’s profile updated

Langley City's community profile information has been updated and is available to do business

By Bob Groeneveld/Langley Advance Times


“Discover Langley City,” a compilation of statistical data and general information aimed at attracting more business development to an already “thriving regional city centre,” has been updated with 2016 Canada Census information

Langley City’s official Community Profile describes the City as “a gateway to Asia-Pacific markets… Offering all the advantages of Metro Vancouver, with some of the most affordable land prices in the region.”

“Langley City,” the profile declares, “has become a thriving hub of residential and commercial growth.”

According to Statistics Canada data, Langley City has more jobs than the resident labour force, offers some of the most affordable land prices in the region, and provides easy access to regional and international markets, while serving a trade area population of 275,000.

“The City has updated the statistical data, descriptive information, and graphical presentation within the Community Profile,” said Roy Beddow, the City’s deputy director of Development Services and Economic Development.

“We look forward to using this updated document to attract new businesses, developers and other economic opportunities that will ensure Langley City remains a thriving economy and a great place to work, live and play.”

The updated Community Profile is a comprehensive document that will be used to inform and educate investors, business owners, and the general public.

The Discover Langley City document includes comprehensive information about the City’s location and proximity to market opportunities, such as its proximity (14 km) to the Canada-USA border, available utilities, business resources, government connections, labour resources, education opportunities, development statistics, and transportation and transit amenities.

The document details information about the neighbourhoods that make up the City, provides demographic information (e.g. City population: 27,363; regional market population: 275,000), delves into the area’s history, and suggests a vision for the future.

A copy of the Community Profile can be downloaded by clicking here.

Langley Times