Trade mission targets India

The second largest country in the world is being encouraged to invest more in B.C.

The second largest country in the world is being encouraged to invest more in B.C.

Premier Christy Clark, Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk and a group of registered delegates will lead a trade mission to New Delhi, Mumbai and Chandigarh Oct. 9 to 18. They will meet with business and government officials.

Virk will also travel to Bangalore to raise awareness about secondary and post-secondary education partnerships, joint research initiatives, and student exchange between B.C. and India.

The trade mission will focus on a number of key areas including education, natural gas and other resources, agrifoods, clean technology, life sciences, film and digital arts, and finance.

It is Asia’s third-largest economy and is projected to become one of the largest consumer markets in the world.

“Building strong educational ties with a growing economy and modernizing society such as India will benefit B.C. students and B.C.’s education system,” states a provincial government release.

In 2013, B.C. goods exports to India were worth $468 million, an increase of 45 per cent compared to the same period in 2012.

“Opening and expanding markets for our goods and services is a pillar of the B.C. Jobs Plan,” states the government.

“Trade missions are a critical part of British Columbia’s strategy to strengthen and diversify its international trading partners and secure new investment, propelling economic activity and job creation throughout the province.

Quick Facts

B.C. exports to India increased more than 296 per cent between 2001 and 2013.

The top commodity exports to India in 2013 were coal, copper, wood pulp and news print.

The number of students coming to B.C. from India has grown more than 188 per cent over the last three years.


In 2013, India ranked as the sixth-highest market destination for B.C. exports, after five years of steady increases.



Vernon Morning Star