United Way gets help from Canfor-Vavenby

Sawmill executives get their heads shaven after record-making fundraising drive

Canfor-Vavenby executives (l-r)  John Stone, Neil Morris, John Gerber, Mark Zurek and Steve Planeta show off their shaven heads.

Canfor-Vavenby executives (l-r) John Stone, Neil Morris, John Gerber, Mark Zurek and Steve Planeta show off their shaven heads.

Canfor-Vavenby executives (l-r) sawmill superintendent John Stone, planer superintendent Neil Morris, human resources manager John Gerber, maintenance superintendent Mark Zurek and plant manager Steve Planeta show off their shaven heads – their “reward” after the division’s employees contributed over $34,000 to United Way.

Other contributions to the North Thompson Community Fund came from employees at District of Clearwater, Yellowhead Community Services and Interior Savings Insurance.



Clearwater Times