Mobil 1 Lube Express owner Adam Coleman, who served in Afghanistan in 2008, is trying to raise $10,000 for the Honour House Society.

Mobil 1 Lube Express owner Adam Coleman, who served in Afghanistan in 2008, is trying to raise $10,000 for the Honour House Society.

Veteran wants to give back

Langley's Adam Coleman is trying to raise $10,000 for the Honour House Society, which helps Canadian Forces and emergency services personnel

Adam Coleman knows the importance of the Honour House Society.

The New Westminster-based organization is a refuge, a place for Canadian Forces personnel, emergency services personnel and their families to stay while they are receiving medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver area.

“The reason I chose (to fundraise for) Honour House is because I am a veteran myself,” the 32-year-old said.

Coleman, who served a tour of Afghanistan in 2008, has been a member of the Canadian Forces reserves since he was 17. He is still a reservist and sergeant in the 15th Field Artillery Regiment.

And while he avoided major injuries himself, others he knows have not been as fortunate.

“Honour House does great work and this is something that rings home closely for me because I am connected with it,” he explained.

“I have had friends and colleagues who have suffered traumatic injuries and have used Honour House.”

Coleman also owns and operates a pair of Langley Mobil 1 Lube Express — one is located at 200 Street and 64 Avenue and the other is at 56 Avenue and Langley Bypass.

And with the month of November a time of remembrance as Canada remembers the dedicated men and women who have served in conflicts all over the world, Coleman thought it was the perfect time to show his appreciation.

Coleman is donating all of the proceeds from oil changes done tomorrow (Friday) to Honour House. Customers will also receive the standard free interior vacuum of their vehicle, coffee and a newspaper.

And for the rest of the month, he will donate $2 from every oil change.

Coleman is hoping to raise at least $10,000.

“I think if you are running a successful business, it is important to give back to the community or any charitable organization,” he said.

He has owned the 64 Avenue location for two years and the 56 Avenue location for the past year.

Prior to that, Coleman had been working as a mechanic, both in automotive and heavy equipment, since he was 19.

When he returned from his tour in Afghanistan, the company he was working for was hit hard by the recession, forcing it to shut down some of its locations and lay employees off.

“I thought it was a good time for me to strike out on my own because I always wanted to own my own business,” he said.

As part of a thank you, both locations will have military and emergency personnel on hand tomorrow (Friday) at 9 a.m.

Langley Times