Volunteers at heart of Chamber of Commerce

The Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce is joining Chambers all across the province in celebrating Chamber of Commerce Week.

The Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce is joining Chambers all across the province in celebrating Chamber of Commerce Week this week.

The week is an opportunity for Chambers to demonstrate the outstanding value they provide to their communities.

This value comes in the form of benefits and services to stimulate local economies, direct community promotion and support, and engaging in an important multi-level advocacy role which benefits the entire province.

Advocacy efforts of Chambers of Commerce in B.C. represent some of their most important work.

Chambers raise issues that concern both their members and the community at large with local, provincial and federal governments.

The network of more than 125 Chambers of Commerce across B.C. is a unique business organization, and gives issues a voice beyond the local level.

This provides much needed input to public policy, which benefits local economic and social well-being.

Direct support for businesses and the community constitute another central area of Chamber focus.

Chambers of Commerce provide benefits, service and educational programs to their membership, supporting businesses and helping them achieve success.

Chambers of Commerce also work diligently to promote and assist their communities.  This support for both local businesses and the areas in which they operate directly stimulates local economies and creates vibrant communities around the province.

Chambers of Commerce are community leaders in action.

Chamber of Commerce Week recognizes and applauds this important contribution, and brings further awareness about the Chamber Network’s influence and importance to members of the public and Chamber members alike.

Join us to celebrate this time in Williams Lake.

Claudia Blair is the executive director of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce.

Williams Lake Tribune