For farms and orchards who need workers in the spring, it’s already time to start looking for them, and there a re a few things to keep in mind. (Brennan Phillips - Keremeos Review)

Wages to increase in 2021 for seasonal farm workers

Canadian government has regulations in place for those hiring seasonal help

Seasonal workers serve as a major source of labour for many of the orchards and farms across the South Okanagan.

For those looking to hire seasonal workers, the process is already beginning so that the workers are ready to start in the spring.

An important piece of information to remember is the minimum wage is increasing in June of 2021, when it will become $15.20 an hour.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when booking an advertisement.

The Canadian government requires the following criteria for any advertisement for a seasonal worker:

* The company’s operating name and business address

* The title of the position

* A description of the position’s duties

* The terms of employment

* Wage, which can be given in a range, with the minimum meeting the prevailing wage

* The local area, city or town where the work will take place

* Contact information such as a phone or fax number or email or mailing address

* Skills requirements for the position such as education or work experience

To meet the minimum advertising requirement, employers are required to advertise on the B.C. job bank, and the ad is required to be posted for a minimum of 14 calendar days.

Not meeting the requirements set out by the government could lead to the application being rejected, and the whole process would need to start over.

More information about the seasonal agricultural worker program can be found online at the Government of Canada website under Employment and Social Development Canada.

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Keremeos Review