Wedding guest expenses can add up

From wedding showers to engagement parties to wedding ceremonies, the cost of celebrating the couple-to-be can put a strain on your budget during the summer wedding season. According to a survey, Canadians plan to spend an average of $776 on wedding costs this year.

Are weddings a financial burden for guests? For a few years in my late 20s, it seemed as soon as summer hit, I was spending every weekend at a wedding, and spending all of my extra dollars while I was at it. Though I wanted to celebrate, between travel and gifts, the pressure of the partying was putting a strain on my bank account. So if you’re heading to a few weddings this summer, here are some tips to get you through the season without paying the high cost of love:

•Build a budget based on your current financial situation.

• For men, simply changing a shirt and tie combo can make for a quick and less costly new look. Women can save by exploring dress rental stores with options that will keep them on trend. Another option is to stick with a classic little black dress, but switch up accessories for a different look.

•Consider bringing together a group to pitch in for a big-ticket item and don’t forget to look for sales while shopping on the gift registry. Giving the newlyweds an experience is also a great present, like a cooking class or a honeymoon excursion.


•Travelling to and from a wedding can be costly. If possible, travel with a group to cut down on fuel and parking costs.



Comox Valley Record