Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce executive assistant Jaylyn Byer sports a new jacket she received Thursday, Nov. 5 acknowledging her 15 years of service at the chamber. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce executive assistant Jaylyn Byer sports a new jacket she received Thursday, Nov. 5 acknowledging her 15 years of service at the chamber. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake chamber executive assistant acknowledged for 15 years of service

"You've gone above the call of duty in your time," president told Jaylyn Byer

An employee of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce was honoured for 15 years of service Thursday, Nov. 5.

Executive assistant Jaylyn Byer was presented with a jacket that has her name and 15 years of service embroidered on it and a framed certificate of excellence.

The presentation was a surprise for Byer who was preparing for the new executive and board members being sworn in officially.

“You’ve gone above the call of duty in your time here,” said newly-elected president Ray Sanders as he made the presentation to Byer.

“A lot people would have 15 of the same years, but that’s not the case for Jaylyn. She’s had an interesting time here and seen lots of changes.”

He credited her for helping with the move into a new building and for being in charge as the chamber looked for a new executive director.

“You did a fantastic job.”

Executive director Alex Gresl, hired in September, praised Byer as well.

“I’m very impressed with the work she’s been doing and her passion. It’s exemplary,” he said, adding the recognition was very-well deserved and a long time coming.

While grateful for the recognition, Byer looked around at the directors and staff and said they all play a part in the chamber’s success.

Read more: CASUAL COUNTRY 2017: Williams Lake’s Jaylyn Byer honoured for work with Stampede Association

Mayor Walt Cobb did the official swearing in of Sanders as president, Dave Walgren as first vice-president, Charlene Harrison as second vice-president and board members Brad O’Neill, Kathy McLean and Paul French.

Past-president Vanessa Riplinger was absent.

After serving many years on the board Roger Solley stepped down, as well as John Sam, manager of Chief Will-Yum Gas Bar, who will be leaving Williams Lake to take on the role of economic development officer for Lytton First Nation.

Cobb said the City appreciates all the work the chamber does.

Sanders said he is excited about the future of the chamber.

“We love the business environment here and we want to be able to serve the community better,” he added.

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