Work force training simplified

The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation just launched a regional business training calendar.

The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) just launched an online calendar that will make it easier for businesses in the area to find professional development opportunities.

The LCIC’s Regional Business Training Calendar will connect organizations running training programs with local businesses in the area, all through one accessible interface.

The calendar was developed after the LCIC saw a need to simplify development and training for businesses in the area.

Both the Business Retention and Expansion project that the LCIC completed in 2013, and the Regional Skills Training Plan 2013-2020 developed by Selkirk College and College of the Rockies, identified work force development and training as an area that needed some attention.

“A lot of the businesses felt like they were a little overwhelmed with the … business training happening through a whole bunch of organizations,” says Terry Van Horn, LCIC’s economic development coordinator.

Organizations that provide work force training in the area will add their upcoming courses to the calendar, which is posted not only on the LCIC website, but is also embedded on the websites of participating organizations.

Van Horn says Selkirk College, Community Future, and the Skills Centre have all embedded the calendar on their website.

“It’s a great start to be able to support local businesses, and that’s what LCIC is here to do,” says Van Horn. “To help [so] that they can get the training and the education that they themselves and their employees require to make sure that their labour force is as skilled as possible.”

Van Horn also hopes the calendar will cut down on any overlap in the training being offered, and identify any gaps that need to be filled.


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