Yellow Cab proposing Valley bus service

Greyhound is cutting back and Kamloops Yellow Cabs wants to fill the gap

Greyhound is cutting back its service to the North Thompson Valley and Kamloops Yellow Cabs wants to fill the gap.

“So far I’ve only received a letter of support from Barriere council,” said Abdul Rashid, president of Yellow Cabs (Kamloops) Ltd. and Kamloops Transportation Ltd. “I’m still waiting for one from Clearwater.”

Once he receives the letter he will make an application to the BC Passenger Transportation Board for a license to operate a daily shuttle service between Clearwater and Kamloops, he said.

The plan would be to have a 15- to 25-passenger bus leave Clearwater at 7 a.m. daily and then leave Kamloops for Clearwater at 5:30 p.m. That would mean people living in the Valley could use the bus to travel to and from work in the city, plus it would give plenty of time for those wanting to go shopping or for medical appointments. The bus would stop at Barriere, Little Fort and points in between. If successful, the service would be increased to two trips per day.

Rashid said he expected it would take the service a few months to catch on but was confident his other businesses could sustain it until then.

He is also looking at providing shuttle services connecting Kamloops with Salmon Arm and Kelowna.

Kamloops Yellow Cab has been in business for about 80 years, while Kamloops Transportation Ltd. has been going for about 50. He took over the businesses 14 years ago, he said.

Rashid’s request for a letter of support was discussed during the Feb. 5 Clearwater council meeting.

Mayor John Harwood said the Kamloops business owner should be informed that there currently is a community bus service running from Clearwater to Kamloops once a week. The bus operates through a partnership agreement with BC Transit and District of Clearwater.

“Yes, it would be nice to have the additional service, but how much is it going to cost?” Harwood asked.


Council members suggested that Wells Gray Inn, which operates the taxi service in Clearwater, should be asked if they are considering providing a similar service.



Clearwater Times