Jessie Simpson blowing kisses to the camera. (Sue Simpson/Facebook)

Jessie Simpson blowing kisses to the camera. (Sue Simpson/Facebook)

Call for cards as Kamloops attack victim turns 26

Sue Simpson requests cards every Christmas and every July for Jessie’s birthday

Single mom Sue Simpson is once again putting a call out for birthday cards for her son Jessie.

The pair requests cards from the community every Christmas and every July when Jessie’s birthday comes around.

Simpson says it gives the two of them something to do together.

Jessie suffered life-altering injuries after being attacked with a metal baseball bat in 2016. Now wheelchair bound, his mom is always looking for ways to bring a smile to Jessie’s face and she says reading the hundreds of cards that come in twice a year does just that.

Cards can be mailed to:

Jessie Simpson

P.O. Box 233

Savona, B.C.

V0K 2J0

Simpson is continuing to collect donations through a GoFundMe to cover costs of bringing Jessie home on weekends and other necessities for her son.

Jessie turns 26 on July 26.

READ MORE: Smudged, honoured, and blessed: Ceremony held for Kamloops attack victim


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