Fiction writer Alix Ohlin reads from a new work at Saturday night’s Words on the Water cabaret. Photo, Mike Chouinard/Campbell River Mirror

Fiction writer Alix Ohlin reads from a new work at Saturday night’s Words on the Water cabaret. Photo, Mike Chouinard/Campbell River Mirror

2019: Another fantastic year in the local arts scene

There was plenty to see and do around the community in 2019 for those who love creative endeavours

Campbell River’s been seeing a boom in arts entertainment over the past few years, and the dancers, painters, musicians, sculptors and other creative folk were out in force again throughout 2019.

Whether it was on stage at the Tidemark Theatre, Rivercity Stage or Spirit Square, in any of the local shops offering up artisan wares from local crafters and artisans or in any of the other various facilities around the community, there was plenty on offer for people to see and do throughout the year.

Some of the highlights were recurring events such as the annual Arts Fest event, which took over downtown streets in July as it does every summer, the Words on the Water writers’ festival at the Maritime Heritage Centre, and, of course, the Shoreline Arts Society’s annual carving competition down at Frank James Park in Willow Point.

But there were plenty of new events and features, as well, including the Patrons of the Arts first – of what it hopes will be an annual – Wearable Art Show at the Tidemark Theatre, as well as the first Art & Earth Festival put on by the Campbell River Arts Council and its community partners.

There was also a new concert series started up at the Rivercity Stage, which brough six acts to town to flesh out the muscial offerings for the year, as well as the ongoing programming at Spirit Square throughout the summer and the city’s CR Live Streets series, which again took over Shoppers Row on Wednesday evenings throughout July and August.

Check out the next edition of The Mirror for a few articles focused on individual organizations and people involved in the local arts scene refelcting on how they feel the year went, and look forward to what the next year – and decade – has in store for arts in the community.

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