40th Day of July winds up summer in style in Duncan

The Duncan-Cowichan Summer Festival Society has been successfully extending the month of July to 39 days for several years.

Island songstress Kendall Patrick charms the crowd during the 40th Day of July at Duncan’s City Square on Sunday, Sept. 4.

Island songstress Kendall Patrick charms the crowd during the 40th Day of July at Duncan’s City Square on Sunday, Sept. 4.

It was obviously an idea whose time had come.

The Duncan-Cowichan Summer Festival Society has been successfully extending the month of July to 39 days for several years.

But this year, event organizer, Longevity John Falkner, told the crowd at City Square Sunday night, he thought it was time for a 40th Day, just to wind up summer with a bang. He thanked the businesses and other supporters that had stepped up with money to make the show happen.

Hundreds of people agreed with him, bringing chairs to the square to enjoy this last pre-Labour Day fling.

The event opened with sun and fun band, Tropic Mayhem, and continued with Mbira Spirit, who brought a whole bunch of talented musical friends and their classic-country show to a warm welcome from the crowd.

Following that, it was time for young Island singer/songwriter Kendall Patrick. She said she was delighted to play to such a large and appreciative crowd.

To end the evening, the five-piece Cuban group, Brisas del Palmar, gave the crowd a taste of what they could expect at their indoor show later this month, setting toes tapping and feet dancing with their Latin rhythms.

Cowichan Valley Citizen