A book review from a Nelson bookshelf

Nelson's Packrat Annie's shares another review, this week Kristy Chapman reviews Earl Mindell's Herb Bible.

Packrat Annie’s Kristy Chapman shares a review this week for {vurb}:

A while ago I decided to find out about herbs and a friend told me about the book I am going to review today. It is Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible.  I am not somebody who is ultra health conscious but I do like to feel good so I thought I would look into herbs because they have been around forever and so many people swear by them. This book therefor, I found to be quite fascinating and informative. In it there are short but concise write ups about the most popular and well known easy to get herbs. It was full of fascinating facts that I seriously had no clue about. This is a book that you can read start to finish or pick up and choose a particular herb that pertains to you. I found it helpful in quite a few areas and a good basis for me to start with and then go ask the professionals for any more help I might need. I also enjoyed this book because while it is one persons insight, it is not written in a preaching kind of way that can be irritating. I do also sometimes find myself picking this book up just to read and fill my head with facts.


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