The West Vancouver Museum is one of the stops on the guided bus tour on Oct. 26.

The West Vancouver Museum is one of the stops on the guided bus tour on Oct. 26.

A bus with a curator

Surrey Art Gallery hosting guided art tour of the North Shore on Oct. 26.

No need for an art degree to get on board this bus – just a curiosity for learning about contemporary art and meeting some fellow adventurers along the way.

On Wednesday, Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Surrey Art Gallery (SAG) and the Surrey Art Gallery Association are hosting a guided bus tour of the the North Shore.

The destinations include the West Vancouver Museum, Griffin Art Projects and Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art.

Led by SAG curator Jordan Strom and curatorial assistant Rhys Edwards, participants will meet at the gallery (13750 88 Ave.) for an orientation over coffee before hitting the road.

The first stop will be the West Vancouver Museum. There, you’ll tour The Space in Between, an exhibition of contemporary works by two West Vancouver-based artists who have been influential as ceramic artists and teachers: Sally Michener and Tam Irving. Both have exhibited at in Surrey. (SAG’s Hands On Clay workshop is inspired by the work of Michener.)

At left: Sally Mitchener’s “About Face” (2014). Photo by Tony Westman.

The next stop is Griffin Art Projects, a space that presents exhibitions of contemporary art from private collections. Participants will see Kitchen Midden, an exhibit of artworks, artifacts, and objects from the collections of more than 70 artists from Vancouver and its surrounding areas.

Artists include Dana Claxton, Douglas Coupland, Gathie Falk, Atilla Richard Lukacs, Kelly Lycan (currently exhibiting at Surrey Art Gallery), Liz Magor and Paul Wong.

Rounding out the day will be the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art, showing the exhibit (Ab-strak shuh n), inspired by the abstract work in their Artists for Kids permanent collection.

The cost for the tour (for ages 16 and up) is $39. Bring a bag lunch or pick up something on site.

To register, visit the “Events” section at

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