These hand-crafted glass ornaments by Glow Studio regular artist Connie Kaziechko are a sampling of the myriad of holiday gift ideas at the studio’s craft and art sale next weekend.

These hand-crafted glass ornaments by Glow Studio regular artist Connie Kaziechko are a sampling of the myriad of holiday gift ideas at the studio’s craft and art sale next weekend.

A Glowing Christmas show in former Metchosin elementary

Busy Metchosin studio expanding its horizons for holiday season

Brand new on the Christmas craft and art show circuit this year is Glow Art Studio and Gallery’s two-weekend event, showcasing dozens of Metchosin’s artists and their talents.

In addition to the regular roster of creatives, Glow Studio founder Linda Simrose is bringing in at least 10 more local artists into the already full space to meet the community’s demand for more and more art.

“I’ve brought in jewelry makers, a weaver, painters. Everyone has their own table, and we’re using up the entire hallway (outside the studio),” she says. “There will be Christmas decorations and Christmas baking. I’ve got people to do everything.”

The rapidly growing gallery is located in the old library of the former Metchosin elementary, and only opened May 1.

Simrose is already looking at moving the operation upstairs to accommodate the need for more space, especially since her Sunday open-house workshops have become more well known.

“Artists work on their own so much of the time,” she says.

The weekly afternoons give them the chance to come in and talk with other artists, ask questions and feel like a part of a community.

“That’s why Sundays are really important to me.”

With more creatives dropping by on a regular basis, word has spread throughout the public as well.

“Every day we meet more people from Metchosin, and even people from Quebec, and California. I don’t know how they find it, but somehow they wander in,” Simrose says. “But if you’re looking for art, you’ll always find it.”

Glow Studio will be open with Christmas tables ready and waiting Nov. 29 and 30, and Dec. 6 and 7 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 4495 Happy Valley Rd.

For more information, visit or email

Goldstream News Gazette