A Grand Passion returns to Kelowna

Ballet Kelowna brings A Grand Passion to the Kelowna Community Theatre April 27 and 28.

Wrapping up a 10 performance, seven-city tour of A Grand Passion, Ballet Kelowna brings the performance to the Kelowna Community Theatre April 27 and 28.

A Grand Passion is the forbidden love of star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet, the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty

and a hot tango of seduction designed to take the audience on an emotional romantic journey, choreographed by Shawn Hounsell.

“Ballet Kelowna is proud to share its passion with audiences everywhere with dance that speaks to the hopes and dreams inside each of us” said Ballet Kelowna artistic director David LaHay.

Tickets are available from selectyourtickets.com or 250-762-5050.


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