A look at what happens behind the scenes for Saanich Peninsula’s Pen. Players

Intro to Community Theatre and an introduction into all realms of Pen. Players.

Some cast members from the Peninsula Players’ past Fawlty Towers performance.

Some cast members from the Peninsula Players’ past Fawlty Towers performance.

This weekend, people have an opportunity to learn all aspects of community theatre in a free introduction to theatre by the Peninsula Players.

The Peninsula Players will give a tour of the Charlie White Theatre and a presentation on how to create a theatre production.

Interested participants will begin watching a visual presentation that will go through the different areas of putting on a show so that people understand there’s more to theatre than just acting onstage.

“Theres lots of involvement from a lot of people; construction, set design, the costumes, on and on it goes,” said Marketa Mellows, president of the Peninsula Players.

Other topics include set building and design, directing, costumes, creating props and more.

“Following that, we’ll have access to the actual theatre, so once the people have a sense of the different aspects, there will then be a walk- through (of) behind (the) stage to the green room to show where the construction takes place and then actually on the stage itself,” she said.

The Players have hosted the introduction to community theatre twice before and will take any questions the community has throughout the presentation and tour.

Mellows said the introduction is also for people attending the shows to understand in depth what it really takes to put on a show.

“It’s just a lot of involvement, lots of dedicated people who are involved on a continuous basis. It’s amazing,” she said.

The introduction to community theatre discussion is free and will take place March 4 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. beginning in Room 2 of the Mary Winspear Centre.

The Peninsula Players will be putting on their Fawlty Towers Production May 4 to 7. They will run through three episodes including A Touch of Class, Waldorf Salad and The Germans.

Come the Fall, they will present The Odd Couple (female version) and Sleeping Beauty in December for their yearly pantomime.

For more information visit thepeninsulaplayers.ca.

Peninsula News Review