A saucy little number with fishnet stockings and naughty knickers.

A saucy little number with fishnet stockings and naughty knickers.

A night of naughty knickers

Get tickets for a sassy and steamy saturday night.

by Josefin Svedberg

Rossland News

Be sure to grab your tickets soon for the Naughty Knickers Night on Sunday, August 10. This Gold Fever Follies special performance night will surely sell out!

John Han, theatre manager, music director and member of the cast is, and rightly so, excited to showcase the new cast. He promises it will be a magical night. The first act is a bubbly and sexy summer number, then afterwards they will perform an improvised parody of their own show, “Off the Rails”; hilarious to watch for every Gold Fever Follies fan.

Tickets can be bought at the Miners Hall, Café Books and from Han himself. No tickets will be sold at the door so be sure to snatch one beforehand. Han and the cast are grateful for its amazing audience in Rossland and the local community. The Gold Fever Follies is the grand summer event in Rossland and the Naughty Knickers Night is when the it reaches its climax.


It will be a show to remember with dancers that are flirty, fun and great burlesque performers.



Rossland News