The Joe Hill Coffee House was a popular event last week. Featured clockwise are; Top right; Brian Kolbfleisch, bottom right; Max Hawk, bottom left, audience; Lois Allen and top left Dawn Graham.

The Joe Hill Coffee House was a popular event last week. Featured clockwise are; Top right; Brian Kolbfleisch, bottom right; Max Hawk, bottom left, audience; Lois Allen and top left Dawn Graham.

A successful coffee house

Groups including the Rossland Glee Club as well as local singer-songwriters and instrument players

Danielle clarke

Rossland News

Last Sunday the Joe Hill Coffee House presented a sensational blend of music at the Rossland Miners’ Hall.

Groups including the Rossland Glee Club as well as local singer-songwriters and instrument players made their appearances.

‘The Sweet Sounds of Spring’ as this coffee house was titled, brought together about 70 people.

The event had a calming yet fun atmosphere with lots of community support.

The Rossland Glee Club helped kick things off followed by Lois Allen on the flute.

Brian Kolbfleisch brought back some Willie Nelson as well as playing a few of his own tunes on the ukulele, before Max Hawk played some love songs on his guitar.

Dawn Graham, a Selkirk College student, sang in front of an audience for the first time while accompanying herself on piano.

“I’ve been here before, it’s a wonderful audience” said Graham who felt comfortable making her debut performance in front of the crowd.

All in all the evening offered a friendly environment with good music and delicious goodies!


Rossland News