Abbotsford author releases new Second World War book

Wilfried Hein launches A Witness in Times of War and Peace

Wilf Hein

Wilf Hein

Abbotsford author Wilfried Hein is launching his newly published book A Witness in Times of War and Peace.

The story is a translation of Gerhard Hein’s searing memoir that describes the struggles a Mennonite pastor experiences during the Second World War. Gerhard Hein (Wilf’s father) is a practising Mennonite when he is called up for duty, and he must reconcile his pacifist beliefs with the obligation to serve in Germany’s Wehrmacht.

He displays courage in a terrifying and uncertain time by voicing his concerns about the National Socialistic ideology in both words and deeds, standing up for his beliefs by pointing to the One who can bring real peace.

His story shows that in the darkness of war, rays of genuine love, care, and compassion can shine through.

Hein translated his father’s war-time story and biography because he believes that people can and should learn from historic events.

This book may be of interest to people who love reading biographies, historical and inspirational literature. It is published by

A book signing event will take place at the House of James on Saturday, Nov. 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Abbotsford News