Abbotsford girl achieves fine arts first

Local actress earns Trinity Western's lead-off BFA in acting

Karyn Guenther in her role as a pill-popping actress in TWU's Bride on Credit, running Jan. 31-Feb. 4

Karyn Guenther in her role as a pill-popping actress in TWU's Bride on Credit, running Jan. 31-Feb. 4

Kelsey KLASSEN – Abbotsford News

A former W.J. Mouat student with a passion for stage will soon be the first to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting from Trinity Western University.

Enrolled in her fifth year of the university’s School of the Arts, Media and Culture program, Abbotsford’s Karyn Guenther says she doesn’t regret the seemingly irresponsible decision.

“It feels incredibly exciting to be the first BFA graduate from Trinity.  I was following what I love to do,” said the actress. “I feel so unbelievably lucky to be graduating with training that I am passionate about.”

Guenther, 22, is gracing the stage next week in the TWU production Bride on Credit. Playing Jan. 31 – Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Freedom Hall on campus, the romantic comedy by student playwright Cara Lowdermilk bares the lighter side of credit card fraud.

Guenther plays Ingrid Foster, a pill popping Broadway actress from New York.

As for plans post-graduating, Guenther, says that in this profession there are no guarantees but she has a wish list of companies and people to work for. In the meantime she plans to study a number of different physical disciplines such as aerial silks and ballet.

The actress says that while admittedly there is the fear of not getting work, her time at TWU has prepared her to enter the professional world of theatre.

Tickets for Bride on Credit are available here.

Abbotsford News