Academy aims to teach love of music

Parents can watch their children’s progress through a video monitor

Musician and sound engineer Chris Raines is opening a music Academy in Parksville next month.

Musician and sound engineer Chris Raines is opening a music Academy in Parksville next month.


There’s new music academy opening in Parksville and it will cover all the musical bases.

“It’s a one-stop shop basically,” said owner Chris Raines of Raines Broadcasting. “You can come in and learn to play with others — we can video tape you as part of your learning process and we can record you if you get to the point where you want to start recording.”

Raines has been operating his audio and video recording studio in Parksville for 12 years, producing and engineering top-notch albums for musicians like Layla Zoe and Elizabeth Ryan. He has recently renovated the space adding a number of teaching rooms where experienced musicians will now teach students a variety of instruments like keyboards, piano, organ, drums, guitars: rhythm, lead, slide, bass, and more.

Raines is also opening a store, equipped with guitars, amps and plenty of music equipment, at the studio. Both the store and music lessons are available from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. Management software will enable parents and students to book lessons online and keep track of student’s progress. Parents and guardians can also watch students’ classes by video monitor. Lessons are also available to adults.

Raines said the purpose of starting the school stems from a lack of music programs offered in schools. He also wants to approach teaching in a different way than conventionally taught.

“We want to teach kids to love music first, not to drone on and on about notes and bars and all those sorts of things, but to teach them how to love the music and to enjoy playing.”

Students will also be taught how to play together, and to do that, they will learn how to listen, Raines said. Once students are ready they will have the opportunity to play together in bands and if they choose, to record. This goes for students of all ages.

Raines has been playing music himself since he was 10 and since then he’s had a deep love for rhythm and blues, which he describes as a nice mixture of gospel and pop with a great beat.

He played in various bands in the United States and Canada before moving to Parksville 12 years ago.

There will be a course on how to play the blues at the academy but teachers will also instruct on fundamentals in all modern forms of music from rock to jazz with an emphasis on rhythm.

Raines Music Academy opens in September, but if school is delayed due to the teacher strike, it could open early, Raines said.

Registration is now open. Check the website for prices, teachers and general information at or call 250-248-2984.



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