Advent Spiral enjoys biggest turnout ever for meditative walk

As the year moves towards its end, an Advent Spiral was again celebrated at Island Oak High School.

The annual Advent Spiral held at Island Oak High School offers a place for quiet reflection.

The annual Advent Spiral held at Island Oak High School offers a place for quiet reflection.

As the year moves towards its end, an Advent Spiral was again celebrated at Island Oak High School.

According to Paul Ruszel, an enthusiastic set up crew, which included some new volunteers this year, made the room a special place for seasonal meditation.

“We have never had so many people attend before. A huge success,” he said.

Annette Lampson played the harp and sang for the first walk of the day for the Cowichan Valley home schoolers: a tradition that’s now several years old.

Rennie Robson played for the 1 p.m. spiral and Chris Burton and Lee Masters played for the 3 p.m. spiral.

Ruszel played as the students of Island Oak walked the path.

Cowichan Valley Citizen