A group of dancers doing a dress rehearsal at the Sooke Dance Studio in 2012.

A group of dancers doing a dress rehearsal at the Sooke Dance Studio in 2012.

After the fire: Sooke Dance Studio will keep on dancing

The flames may have wrecked their studio but it won't stop the dancers

One of the entrepreneurial businesses impacted by the July 31 fire was the Sooke Dance Studio, owned and operated by Carole Cave.

When the fire initially broke out, Cave was notified and went to the site to see how things were progressing.

“I was only there very early in the morning. It looked like it was under control. The windows were intact, and there was possible water damage,” said Cave.

By the time the fire had reached its climax and building demolition had begun, Cave was thinking, “We’re done.” Lost were years of accumulation of costumes, props and space upgrades.

Then, on watching newscasts of the fire and seeing the number of dancers in attendance watching the destruction of their studio, a different thought danced into Cave’s head.

“We’ve lost everything,” said Cave. “But we didn’t lose the dancers. We’re determined to dance this September. Our teachers have been fantastic.”

Since that eventful day, Cave has received several offers for space and she’s currently considering her options.

“It will take years to recoup,” said Cave.

She has been teaching in Sooke since 1992, and this September would have been her seventh year operating out of the studio at 210-6660 Sooke Road.

But have no doubt that dance will begin in September.

“I want to assure you we will be dancing in September,” Cave posted on their Facebook page. “It will take time to re-establish everything that was lost in this disaster, but we will be dancing while gradually reorganizing, rebuilding and replacing.”

Their previously existing studio space may be gone, but the dancers will not be forgotten.

Registration is ongoing on the Sooke Dance Studio’s website (sookedancestudio.com/), and updates — including any fundraisers — will be posted on their Facebook fan page (www.facebook.com/pages/Sooke-Dance-Studio/99668206383).

Sooke News Mirror