Afternoon of art and action

A group trying to save 25 acres of forestland in North Langley
is inviting artists to come out and get creative this Sunday

Twenty-five acres of forest in North Langley, which the Township plans to sell, will serve as inspiration for artists in a range of mediums this Sunday, Oct. 28, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Twenty-five acres of forest in North Langley, which the Township plans to sell, will serve as inspiration for artists in a range of mediums this Sunday, Oct. 28, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Whether painting a picture with a pen or with a brush, for many artists it’s only natural to turn to the great outdoors for inspiration.

On Sunday, Oct. 28 from 1-3 p.m., local artists — painters, sketchers, writers, photographers and the like — are invited to do just that, by joining others in the wooded area of North Langley referred to as McLellan Forest Park.

This afternoon of art and action in Glen Valley aims “to raise awareness about a spectacular 25 acre forest just east of Fort Langley.”

The five forested lots  have been put up for sale by the Township of Langley.

The group is concerned that not many people know about the beauty and ecological value of this biologically diverse and mature forest, and say there is little time to make Langley residents aware of what will be lost if the property is sold.

The Township may be willing to sell it to a local society if the small group can raise $3 million in a short time.

“Saving this forest ecosystem will provide a lasting legacy, not only to our children, but our children’s and perhaps countless generations,” states a release issued by the group.

“Artists can play an important role in building public appreciation and awareness.”

Participants are invited to bring their art supplies, writing pads and cameras and take a tour through the area.  Hot tea and cookies will be provided.  They will meet at the trail entrance on 257A Street  just north of the intersection with 84 Avenue.

Langley Times