Brandi Marie, an Aldergrove writer, released her first poetry collection in 2020, which can now be found in Indigo Langley. (Special to The Star)

Aldergrove resident urges adventure with new poetry collection

World traveller and writer Brandi Marie has debut book, Dear Adventurist, at Indigo Langley

Twenty-five-year-old Brandi Marie has always been a writer.

From journaling to making up stories, poetry quickly came into the picture when Marie was in high school – a time when she felt her life reflected a bit more advanced content than that of a child to write about.

But as a writer, Marie knew she needed more life experience than just high school.

“They say write what you know, so I had to live a life full of tearing myself apart and building myself back up until it was enough to give to you,” Marie said, referencing one of her poems. “I also longed to go somewhere, anywhere, to chase adventure.”

Marie grew up in Aldergrove in a house her father designed and built – in fact, her parents got married right in the living room.

Together with her best friend, she started saving up some money and booked flights to Australia and New Zealand in the summer of 2016.

“We were there for two-and-a-half-months and I learned so much about the world and about myself,” Marie recalled. “I also came back home with the travel bug.”

Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand would soon follow.

“Each travel expedition I’ve been on has been inspirational in their own unique ways, Australia and New Zealand sparked my travel bug, Cambodia and Laos opened my eyes to the struggles of third world living,” she explained.

In 2018, she moved to Jasper, Alta for six months where she hiked every mountain in the park and wrote most of her collection.

With no WiFi in Jasper, Marie said her whole summer was filled with self-discovery.

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“There is so much to be learned from the mountains. I found my limits and pushed past them at times because I had no other choice,” Marie assured. “I truly followed the small whisper in my mind and I had no idea how in love with life I could become.”

Though she self-published her debut poetry collection, Dear Adventurist, nearly one year ago – her recent milestone of getting that book on the shelves of Indigo Langley is something to celebrate.

“I always, even as a young person, wanted to write a book, but suddenly, it felt like I had content and an idea started to from,” Marie said.

She wrote Dear Adventurist wanting to speak to the people like her – inspiring others who’s hearts are dragging them across the globe, and just because they can’t relate to friends who want to go to university and start working as soon as possible, doesn’t mean they’re doing anything wrong.

“Following your heart is the most right decision one can ever make. My message is about inviting adventure to your everyday life,” Marie said. ” To not get so caught up in that nine-to-five, two weeks vacation lifestyle.”

Marie has fully written her next manuscript for another poetry collection and hopes to be able to pursue her passions full time.

People can pick up their copy today at Indigo Langley, or check out for more info on Marie’s adventures.

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