Michael W. Hall, the 'paranormal lawyer',  with a signed copy of Grant Cameron's book at the First Annual Cari-Boo Paracon at the Spruce Hill Resort on Sept. 29. Brendan Kyle Jure photo.

Michael W. Hall, the 'paranormal lawyer', with a signed copy of Grant Cameron's book at the First Annual Cari-Boo Paracon at the Spruce Hill Resort on Sept. 29. Brendan Kyle Jure photo.

Aliens, Bigfoot and ghosts, oh my. The South Cariboo gets spooky with it’s first Paracon

'If UFOs exist, someone is driving them'

Things got a little spooky at in the South Cariboo

Spaced Out Radio and the Canadian Society of Questers decided to team up to create and host the first Cari-Boo Paracon at the Spruce Hill Resort and 108 Mile Heritage Site from Sept. 28 to 30.

“It’s been great. Every seat is basically full when we’re speaking,” said Mike Morin, one of the guides for the Heritage Site’s ghost tours. “Everyone is playing well, asking each other lots of questions. I think it’s been very successful. I hope there’s one next year. It brings a lot of people out with a lot of different mindsets, be it UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, dowsing, all the fun stuff.”

The event drew people from all over the Pacific Northwest and other provinces and western states, including Seattle-based Michael W. Hall, also known as the “paranormal lawyer.”

He came to see Winnipeger Grant Cameron, a ufologist since 1975 who has written numerous books on the subject after he experienced personal sightings in Carman, Man. in 1975 and has interviewed several US politicians including former vice-president Dick Cheney.

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“If anybody out there in the ufology area doesn’t know Grant, they’ve got to look up Presidential UFOs on YouTube or Facebook,” said Hall, adding that getting a chance, come to the conference and listen to the ‘topnotch’ ufologists was an opportunity he couldn’t miss.

Hall said interest in UFOs and aliens are at an all-time high since the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico published stories about leaked documents from the U.S. Federal Government that possibly provided proof of alien life in December of 2017.

“Since that happened, it’s become the hottest thing going and more and more people are interested and going: “well if UFOs exist, someone is driving them. So what else is going on that we don’t know?” and folks like Grant Cameron have been researching this.”

Hall, also the founder of the UFOiTEAM, said that he had his own personal sighting. He and other members of the group were in a sky watch field with their gear – time-lapse photography, infrared cameras and night vision video.

“All of the sudden, off to our left, off to the horizon comes this very bright light. This thing was so bright that you couldn’t miss it,” he recalled. “[It’s] not a helicopter or an airplane. There was no sound at all. That night, this thing flared up ten times brighter and this thing flashed in the sky then flashed at us.”

Cameron came to the conference to give a lecture called “The Theory of Wow.”

RELATED: Paranormal tours growing in popularity at 108 Heritage Site

“What I believe they’re [aliens] doing is they’re not here to get anything, to capture anybody, all they want to do is to make us go ‘wow.’ For example; why do UFOs have lights on them? They want us to see them because then you go and tell people about it and it raises consciousness.

If they wanted to tell us what’s going on they would land on the White House lawn and tell us what’s going on. They’re not doing that.”

Cameron believes that they are trying to send us a message and get the human race to work together and keep the world peaceful.

The popular ufologist has been to various conventions throughout the U.S., Europe and Canada but had good things to say about the South Cariboo’s first paranormal convention.

“This a very beautiful environment to hold it. It’s very close, you get to know everyone. Everybody talks, it’s a different type of conference and I’m glad I came because it’s a beautiful place.”



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