An artistic endeavour

Lines of Endeavour, an exhibit by Open Studio artists, will be on display at Fort Gallery from April 1 to 19

Lines of Endeavour, a group show at the Fort Gallery by members of the Open Studio, will be on display at the artists’ co-operative gallery in Fort Langley from Wednesday, April 1 to Sunday, April 19

Lines of Endeavour is a collection of work by 10 local artists from the Open Studio community art education program.

The aim of Open Studio is to provide moral support, technical help and honest critique to amateur artists so that they can continue to develop and explore their own ideas, methods and materials.

The lines of endeavour within this Open Studio group are many.

Each artist’s life and exploration of it through their art are ostensibly linear journeys. However, the exchange that Open Studio provides means that these lines bend, interact overlap and divide, providing a supportive network.

Open Studio sessions have a refrain: ‘This is so hard!’ (just as any honest endeavour should be). There is no final arrival or product and each new endeavour poses new problems and challenges.

“It would seem that making art is about as goalless as housework. However, for most members the process itself is the reward — constant space to improve, be enlightened, discover new ways of doing and seeing,” reads a statement released by Open Studio.

The exhibit’s opening reception is Saturday, April 4, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Gallery hours are Wednesday to Sunday, from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, visit the web site at

Langley Times