An exhibition of the sea and the wild

Michael Schutte has his art work featured in an exhibition at TOSH in February

There will some hidden treasures to discover at The Old School House Arts Centre next month.

That’s because Michael Schutte will have an exhibition of paintings hanging from Feb. 3 to 23 at the centre featuring the natural wonders found at low tide plus some evocative, washed-up, man-made treasures.

The exhibition is called Hidden Treasures, and beside the beach scenes, there will be some snowy scenes and wildlife including a Bald eagle with a damaged wing.

Sandor the Bald eagle resides at the North Island Recovery Centre in Errington. Micheal and his wife Els have become regulars at the centre and Michael decided that the proceeds from his painting of Sandor will go back to the recovery centre. And it’s not the first time he’s done this.

The Schuttes arrived from Holland last year and set up a music and art studio in French Creek called Practicum Music and Art. When they lived in that country Michael painted bears called “fighting chain bears” which had their teeth and claws removed and were forced into dog fights for entertainment purposes.  A recovery centre for these bears was set up in Holland and Michael donated a number of his proceeds to the centre.

Check out Michael’s work at TOSH in February, along with work by Carole Goodwin and Jill Paris Rody. An opening reception will take place at the Arts Centre Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. To view samples of Michael’s work and more visit



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