Angry Inuk by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril will be screened by Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows June 7. (Contributed)

Angry Inuk by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril will be screened by Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows June 7. (Contributed)

Angry Inuk season finale for Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows

Film examines the impact of anti-seal-hunt campaigns on the lives of the Inuit

A controversial film that examines the impacts of animal rights groups on the culture and way of life of the Inuit people will be screened by Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows.

Angry Inuk by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril looks at how the Inuit have been affected by anti-seal hunt campaigns and their fight for survival as a distinct people.

Arnaquq-Baril travelled through the Canadian Arctic interviewing hunters, craftspeople and families for whom the seal hunt is a critical part of their livelihood and survival before following a group of students to Europe where they plead the Inuit case before a European Union panel.

“It is a peek into the lives of the Inuit as they go about their practice of seal hunting and the preparing and use of all parts of the seal. It also looks at their efforts to redress the misinformation put forward by well funded, slick anti-seal hunting campaigns,” said Oosha Ramsoondar with Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows.

This is the season finale for the local non-profit organization that serves the communities of Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and the Katzie First Nations.

Cinema Politica Ridge Meadows screens films that encourage debate and discussion on issues that affect culture, economy, environment, health and society.

Angry Inuk will be screened 6:30 p.m. on June 7 at City Hall Council Chambers, 11995 Haney Ct. in Maple Ridge.

A guest speaker panel has yet to be announced following the film.

The free event is for those 19-years and over.

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Maple Ridge News