Art courses offered

Children will be able to learn about the arts as the Summerland Community Arts Council offers its annual Summer Arts Program.

Children will be able to learn about the arts as the Summerland Community Arts Council offers its annual Summer Arts Program once again this summer.

Alana Parker, coordinator of the program, said around 180 children participated in the summer courses last year.

For this summer, some favourite courses will be offered again, along with one new course.

The new course, Wild About Writing, will be taught by Marion Rudisill.

Popular courses last year included arts, crafts and drama.

Fun With A Pocket Knife, taught by Rick Wiebe, is for children nine years old and older.

Messy and Marvellous, for children from three to five years of age, is taught by Jannine Strunk. It features artwork made from natural materials found outdoors.

Through The Stage Door, taught by Linda Beaven and David Kopp, has been popular in the past.

There are two sessions of the drama program. One is for children from six to eight years of age while the other is for those nine and older.

The courses run July 8 to August 16 and participants are urged to get their names in early.

Bursaries are available this year, but the cutoff is May 31.

To register for the courses and bursaries, forms are available online.

Forms can also be emailed to or dropped off at the Summerland Community Arts Council, 9533 Main St., Box 1217 Summerland, B.C., V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review