Art exhibit inspired by travel

Expressions: Travel inspired paintings by Irene Gray is the new show at the Summerland Art Gallery.

Expressions: Travel inspired paintings by Irene Gray is the new show at the Summerland Art Gallery.

Gray is a local artist, born, raised and schooled here in Summerland.  Asked why she paints she responds, “I paint because that is what I do.”

She feels it’s healthy to have a passion and that her passion is painting.

She loves the challenge painting offers and begins with a blank canvas and builds from there, attempting to capture the essence of animals and birds or to bring a landscape to life.

She states she is “constantly looking for shapes, lighting and finding something unique or special in her subjects, not what the subject is.”

Gray recently spent some time in Africa sketching and photographing the animals in the natural environment.

She also spent many days on safari.

As anyone who has seen her work can attest Gray has a unique talent for capturing the essence of wildlife and the beauty of the ever changing Okanagan scenery, both through her sketches and through the lens of her camera.

She is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and over the years has received many juried awards.

Gray works mainly in pastels and acrylics and you can find her paintings in private and international collections as well as in the homes of Summerland residents.

Her show will be at the Summerland Art Gallery until May 2.  She will be giving an artists talk on Friday, March 20 at 2 p.m. at the gallery. Regular gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Ballet Kelowna returns to Summerland’s Centre Stage Theatre on Friday March 27 with a performance entitled Forward: A Mixed Repertory Programme.

It will feature three premieres by some of Canada’s leading contemporary ballet choreographers, coupled with the introduction of Lee Dances – a presentation of excerpts from award-winning works created for the esteemed Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award at The Banff Centre. Tickets are available at the Summerland Visitor Centre.

For more information about other upcoming concerts and events check the What’s Up column in the Review or the Event Calendar on the Art Council’s website at or subscribe to the weekly e-Palette.  Email to subscribe.

David Finnis is the publicity chair and past president of the Summerland Community Arts Council, P.O. Box 1217, 9908 Main St., Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review