Art exhibition brings generations together

The Lake Country Art Gallery is presenting two companion exhibitions that celebrate and showcase intergenerational art work.

The Lake Country Art Gallery is presenting two companion exhibitions that celebrate and showcase intergenerational art work.

Art Through the Ages, an intergenerational exhibition, and Changing Lands by Marlene G. McPherson both run from now to May 16.

Inspired by the work of former Vernon-based educator Sharon McKenzie, who went on to found i2i, the Intergenerational Society of Canada, this is the second year the Lake Country Art Gallery is featuring work created through intergenerational artistic collaborations.

“A special part of this exhibition are statements written by participating artists describing their artistic process and what it was like to make work with their parents, grandparents, neighbours, friends or siblings,” said LCAG curator Katie Brennan.

McPherson, who has 20-plus years of intergenerational instruction to local budding artists, addresses the everyday changes happening in the lands around us.

In Changing Lands, she has recorded the natural grasslands of Spion Kop Mountain in Lake Country, before they disappear to development.

An opening reception for both exhibitions takes place Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Lake Country Art Gallery, 10356A Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Admission is free.


Vernon Morning Star