Art exhibition to help school garden

A Penticton artist is donating some of the proceeds from her latest exhibition to the Pen High garden.

Art exhibition to help school garden

A local artist is hoping to give back to Penticton students who are making efforts to grow their own food.

On June 11 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Janette Damsma is displaying her unique artwork with proceeds going to the Penticton Secondary School.

The exhibition will take place in the upstairs portion of Theo’s Restaurant.

Many of Damsma’s oil paintings are created on recycled materials including old antique doors and furniture pieces.

“This whole show is an environmental theme. I just saw the doors and thought, wow those would look fantastic painted,” Damsma said.

Damsma is giving 20 per cent of the proceeds from the exhibition are going towards the student garden at Pen High.

“I’ve learned that one of the most important things for our own health and the health of society and the economy is to learn how to grow our own food,” Damsma said. “I was pretty happy that Pen High students started this project.”



Penticton Western News