Art House opens doors

The Penticton Art House artist collective will be raffling off their work for charity on Nov. 29

DERRIE SELLES a painter with local artist collective Art House Penticton, sits in her studio. She will be raffling off one of her paintings along with her fellow Art House associates with proceeds going towards the Penticton District Community Resources Society (PDCRS).

DERRIE SELLES a painter with local artist collective Art House Penticton, sits in her studio. She will be raffling off one of her paintings along with her fellow Art House associates with proceeds going towards the Penticton District Community Resources Society (PDCRS).

Local painter Derrie Selles is still unsure which of her works she will be parting with for an upcoming raffle on Nov. 29.

“It is hard. It will be a hard decision. Do I want to give a big piece away? Or a little piece? And what are people going to like?” Selles said.

Selles is one of nine artists who are part of the relatively new artists’ collective, Art House Penticton, who will be raffling off some of their works with proceeds going towards the family assistance program with the Penticton and District Community Resources Society (PDCRS), which helps local families meet basic needs through food programs and child care.

Art House Penticton will be opening their doors from Dec. 1-4, with an opening reception on Nov. 29, for the Art House Art Show and Fundraising Raffle including works from Art House artists including Shayn Hagel, Liz Marshall and Jessie Dunlop.

This is the first time the idea of a raffle came about for Art House. The group was looking to put together a show to feature some of their work before Christmas and decided to go along with the spirit of giving that comes about this time of year.

“They were keen on the Christmas spirit idea and decided that they wanted to contribute locally to something that would assist people in our community. Specifically families and children,”  said Jennifer Vincent, co-founder of Art House Penticton.

Selles is one of the original artists who joined Art House Penticton when it was founded in October of last year. So far, her experience has been nothing but positive.

“You can come here and work until three in the morning, or all night long, and crash on the couch,” Selles said.

Selles work is as diverse as her own background. She draws from a variety of experiences ranging from her cycling-influenced works, a callback to her Dutch heritage, or her history competing in triathlons. She is also inspired by the oddities of surrealist painter Salvador Dali.

“Every time I get to painting I get a different feel,” Selles said.

Selles said there will be a wide array of works at the exhibit, if the diversity of the Art House collective is any indication.

“It’s really nice because we’re all so different. None of us are the same. We have different personalities and completely different styles,” Selles said.

For more information on Art House Penticton visit


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