Art, wine, perfect pairing

JUANITA OLSON’S images fill the walls at Blue Moon Estate Winery.

JUANITA OLSON’S images fill the walls at Blue Moon Estate Winery.

It all started in July of 2011 when Blue Moon Estate Winery began collaborating with local artist Juanita Olson.

The intent was to showcase their award-winning wines, while offering art-filled walls at the farm-gate gallery to complete the experience. Marla Limousin referred to the combination as a “perfect pairing”.

Now, three years later, the format is largely unchanged.  Marla Limousin and George Ehrler (of Blue Moon Farm and Winery) invite all comers to meet the artist and enjoy a complimentary tasting of their wines as you view Juanita’s recent works, or stroll the winery’s beautiful grounds.

“As a result of popular demand, this is Juanita’s fourth show at the winery.  Each year people come to the winery to see what pleasant surprises will be for sale and I love the beauty of her paintings as they grace our walls.  We love anything to do with food and flowers, and Juanita keeps feeding us new art each year,”  explains  Marla.

Blue Moon Winery has recently arrived home with numerous awards and accolades including two Double Golds, one for Moon Shine (apple/pear) and the other for Sirius (apple)! And the release of their new cider, Ravens Moon created a buzz of sales for the first commercial cider produced in the Comox Valley.

On July 20, Blue Moon Winery is presenting a “pairing” of art and wine from 1-4 p.m. at 4905 Darcy Road, Courtenay.  For more information, visit or call 250-338-9765.


Comox Valley Record