Artist Dorothy Sevcov displays her work at Nanaimo’s Art 10 Gallery

Dorthy Sevcov's exhibit features work from the past 45 years.

Dorothy Sevcov exhibits her work at Art 10 Gallery until the end of December.

Dorothy Sevcov exhibits her work at Art 10 Gallery until the end of December.

By Julie Sabiston

Now and Then is a retrospective show of Nanaimo artist Dorothy Sevcov’s work covering more than 45 years of inspired creativity.

Included are oil, acrylic, watercolour, pastel and encaustic paintings. Dorothy’s main inspiration over the years has been the local landscape, ocean views and flowers.

“I must have done several hundred paintings of my favourite spots at Bowen Park, particularly the rhododendron garden, and at Neck Point,” she said.

Her current interest involves complex abstract patterns known as zentangles which she finds intriguing and fun.

But Now and Then is also a celebration of Sevcov’s many years of leadership and dedicated work in the local arts community. She began painting with the Nanaimo Art Group, now known as the Nanaimo Group of Artists, in the 1960s, later becoming president. She became the group’s representative to the Arts Council, which led to organizing the annual autumn showcase at the Madrona Centre at Malaspina College.

She was one of the founding members of the Art 10 Gallery in 1983 and also  a founding member of the Nanaimo chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists in 1989. Still active in all these groups, she holds many service and lifetime membership awards for her work, from being president or board member to organizing the many exhibitions held by these art associations.

Through her art, Sevcov has depicted local farms and orchards, beaches, parks and flowers with skill and enthusiasm, sometimes with six paintings on the go at once. And for this she has also received countless awards and prizes at juried shows for her beautiful paintings.

Visiting her large home studio, one sees work in progress on several easels, a lot of painting equipment and supplies which, of course, include paper and canvas ready for Sevcov’s next project.

“I will have to live to 125 to paint all the images I have in my head,” said Sevcov.

Now and Then will be on display at Art 10 Gallery, located at the Nanaimo North Town Centre, until Dec. 31.

Julie Sabiston is a member of Art 10 Gallery.


Nanaimo News Bulletin