Artists called to beautify Enderby breezeway

Proposals being accepted to improve and beautify the breezeway between the library and Hungry Jack’s restaurant in Enderby.

The Enderby and District Arts Council has put out a call to artists and artisans for proposals to improve and beautify the breezeway between the library and Hungry Jack’s restaurant in Enderby.

“We will welcome creative, imaginative ideas of all sorts,” said Jon Turpin, chair of the project committee.  “We would really like some whimsy to adorn and enliven this much used public space, in addition to more basic redesign and repainting of pergolas, perhaps some butterflies flying about, maybe a black metal cat prowling up high, even a trompe l’oeil wall mural, one of those wonderful paintings which fools the eye.”

Because the area is open, materials must be durable and weather-resistant.  The breezeway connects Cliff Avenue and a city parking lot, and the seating area and bollards on Cliff Avenue are included in the project.

The arts council plans to spend between $5,000 and $6,000 on the breezeway makeover.

Enderby city council has given agreement in principle to the beautification, pending a final submission by the arts council, said Turpin.

“A volunteer group of enthusiastic plant lovers now looks after the area’s flower beds. Submissions could include trellises against the walls or other decoration in the planted area, subject to the approval of the gardeners,” he said.

Detailed written proposals, including artist’s bio, sketches and cost estimation,  are requested by April 30, with work beginning in June and completion by late summer.  “These can be for all or part of the project.” said Turpin.

More information is available by contacting Turpin at 250-838-2274.


Vernon Morning Star