Artists Guild group at showcase gallery

Multifaceted talents mix in outstanding art display

A host of artists are featured at Showcase Gallery in the South Cariboo Business Centre this month. The Cariboo Artists Guild (CAG) members' wide-spread subjects and mediums provide an eclectic and engaging display.

A host of artists are featured at Showcase Gallery in the South Cariboo Business Centre this month. The Cariboo Artists Guild (CAG) members' wide-spread subjects and mediums provide an eclectic and engaging display.

A group of Cariboo Artists Guild (CAG) members are featured at Showcase Gallery in the South Cariboo Business Centre this month.

Bobbie Crane uses acrylics to express her artistic talents, and enjoys painting under a theme of “fur and feathers” – also the theme of her upcoming solo show at Parkside Art Gallery, May 22-June 20.

“I am very eclectic; I do portraits, landscapes and wildlife.”

She has been painting for more than 30 years, and teaches regular classes.

Cheryl Gauthier’s favourite medium is watercolour, but she also enjoys chalk pastel, oil and acrylic.

“I’ve been drawing and painting since I was 10 years old, and I’ve belonged to the guild here for 23 years.”

An eclectic artist who currently favours acrylic, Susan Kruse also paints extensively in watercolour, and some pencil crayon.

“I love wildlife and I do them in their habitat. I love landscapes; I’ve done still life – I take lots of photographs and spend lots of time outside.”

Kruse uses those photos to paint indoors during the winter.

Juanita Corbett enjoys depicting dogs, wildlife and landscapes, typically in pencil and ink, but she is expanding into other mediums, such as pastel chalk.

She began painting about 11 years ago, with her first lesson instructed by Gauthier.

Acrylic, pastels, and drawings are all seen in Shirley Williams’ work, but she is beginning to dabble in encaustic.

While she has painted for decades – ever since she could hold a brush – she put no emphasis on her artwork until about 10 years ago.

Over the 12 years Gisela Gruning has been painting, her subjects have ranged from flowers and landscapes to people and animals.

“I paint with all kinds of mediums – oil, acrylic, encaustic and watercolour.”

Patsy Granberg has been drawing for three decades, but just began painting a couple of years ago, and does mostly portraits.

“I prefer working with oils because it allows you to work a lot more slowly and thoughtfully.”

She says being a CAG member challenges her to do more landscapes and other subjects.

In her lifelong passion for painting, Carolyne Herperger most often paints Cariboo scenery, with some wildlife pieces.

“I like to paint in acrylics, I’m learning how to do pastels, and I’ve done coloured pencil.”

Neil Pinkett has drawn since childhood – mostly in ink and oil pastel. He moved into acrylic and oil painting about eight years ago, and has since created five of the murals in 100 Mile House.

His preferred subject is trees, but he paints a wide variety of subjects. Sheep are a frequent motif that stayed with him since he depicted them in a series of postcards in England.

These and many other CAG members will also be displaying their paintings in the Parkside Art Gallery Summer Art Show, July 31-Sept. 12.


100 Mile House Free Press